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We have a few light rules to keep discussion upbeat and interesting, check them out below! You've come to the right place to discuss Half-Life. You have chosen, or have been chosen to subscribe to our subreddit. I even tried copying the folders.Welcome. Done! When I do this, the textures on the characters are missing. It's actually really easy to replace the character models. From what I've played of Cinematic Mod, FakeFactory's already fixed quite a few things because of how he's remade them. Paste the alyx folder in there.Ĭinematic Mod is a huge graphical/sound and optional gameplay overhaul. Again continuing the Alyx example, copy the folder called alyx and go to HL2 update's materials folder, then models. Go back to the CM2013 loose files folder and open materials, then models.ĥ. In a new window, go to your HL2 update folder, hl2, then paste it in the models folder. If, for example, you replaced alyx, go to alyx.mdl and copy it.Ĥ. Open the models folder and find the right model. Open the CM2013 folder, go to the HL2CM folder, and open loose files.ģ. Install Cinematic Mod and enable the character model you want.Ģ. It's actually really easy to replace the character models.ġ. Half-Life 2: Update is a "minimal" update that adds in newer effects from the newer Source engines while maintaining the same aesthetics and style of the original HL2.Ĭinematic Mod is a huge graphical/sound and optional gameplay overhaul. Originally posted by Cookington:You can't combine them as they're seperate mods doing entirely seperate things, sorry.